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2015 labor history calendar

September 15, 2014

hill calendar coverThe 2015 calendar is now available. It features the songs of IWW songwriter Joe Hill, with more than 20 striking photos and graphics that connect to many of his best-known works. 2015 is of course the centenary of Joe Hill’s murder by the capitalist class and the state of Utah, framed for a murder that no rational person believes he committed. (All the physical evidence pointed elsewhere, and William Adler’s recent biography demolishes the circumstantial case that the authorities pinned together to justify a case that from its beginnings was built solely on the belief that a Wobbly and writer of labor songs was a disreputable person capable of committing any crime.)

This year’s calendar is large-format (12 by 12), with a full-color cover. It features extensive notes on significant events in Joe Hill’s life and struggles, as well as hundreds of notes commemorating important dates from hundreds of years of labor struggles. A short essay highlights Joe Hill’s importance as an IWW organizer and songwriter. It is produced in cooperation with the Boston IWW branch. Single copies are $15.95; Five copies to the same address are $50. (Please add $3 per copy for international postage.)

Checks payable to Boston IWW can be mailed to: Boston IWW, PO Box 391724, Cambridge MA 02139. Or payments can be made through PayPal: Single Copy $15.95;  Copy with International Postage: $18.95 Bundle of 5: $50

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